Friday, January 30, 2009

Dogs have litters. People shouldn't.

Earlier this week, the big news was that a woman in California gave birth to octuplets, even though doctors said she was only pregnant with seven. Eight new healthy babies. Eight. That's a litter. Dogs and cats have litters. People shouldn't. Doctors won't release information about whether the woman took fertility drugs, but there can be no question. For a human to bear a litter, you need drugs. Lots of drugs. Expensive drugs. Now there are eight hungry mouths to feed. So unless this family is rich, they will need a ton of help from family, friends, and, most likely, taxpayers. The family lives in Whittier, which means it's highly unlikely that they are rich. Highly. Unlikely. Add to that the more recently-disclosed information that didn't make the national news: the woman already has six kids. Six. But for some reason, she thought that wasn't enough, so she needed to take fertility drugs. Now she has fourteen. I hope the babies are healthy and happy. And I hope the mom gets spayed.


weezermonkey said...

I don't think people should procreate beyond the capacity of a regular sedan, period.

GoBucks! said...

It's just insane. How can they give these kids any kind of quality attention and care when there are so many competing for it? Those parents - and the other kids - are in for a wild ride. is now reporting that she already had six kids, BTW. (

Anonymous said...

Not "those" parents. ABC news reports she is single. I hope the father is around somewhere to help her out.

Ingrid said...

Imagine breast feeding.... Uuuuh. Nooo, thanks. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. One for each mouth.

Cathy said...

I don't think most people should procreate, period, but then I'm in training to be an eccentric curmudgeon.

BikerPuppy said...

I'm with ya, Cathy! That's why I just have puppies!

Inga - that's still two too many! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I also heard on the radio that not only is she single, she also lives with her PARENTS with her six other kids. Guess who is going to provide for them? That's right, state welfare agencies. And how does a fertility doctor decide that it is ok to give fertility drugs to a single woman living this kind of lifestyle? How can she possibly care for them all?

Anonymous said...

I think it's more unlikely that someone who is 32 years old and still lives with their parents is "rich" or financially responsible enough to have 6 to 14 kids. And Whittier does have some nice areas, I just don't think this family lives in this house.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you all the way. XD

BikerPuppy said...
