Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Coworker Poetry/Poll

I work for a living.
Most of you probably do too.
Most of us work with people.
Many of them annoy us.
Tell me, in your comments,
Who annoys you most,
And why?


weezermonkey said...

Robots and friends of the court.

Alissa Grosso said...

There are some good things about being self employed, and no more annoying coworkers is one of them. Taking a stroll back in time my least favorite coworkers were the liars and two-faced kiss-ups. I've worked with far too many of them over the years.

GoBucks! said...

One guy I work with - who is actually very nice - drives me CRAZY with the way he eats. I know, I should just not eat with him, right? Unfortunately, he invariably eats at the same time I do, coming down just as I'm sitting down to lunch. As I write this, I think it would be easier to note what DOESN'T annoy me about his habits. First, he chews with his mouth open, like a 3 year old, smacking his lips. (Have I mentioned that I hate "mouth noises?") As he eats, he licks his fingers loudly, as if he's in a KFC commercial! And if he has a bag of chips (actually, he's particularly fond of Fritos), he keeps one hand in the bag the ENTIRE time, fingering the chips and rustling the bag as he eats. Also, he talks with his mouth full, but while holding a napkin up to his mouth and crinkling it constantly. I'm sure he's trying to be polite, but I can still tell there's food in there! Ack! It's difficult to express in writing (a visual is definitely needed), but it's the whole ritual - rustling the bag, licking the fingers, crumpling the napkin...argh. Never mind the fact that he is constantly coughing up a lung with his mouth wide open (again, like a 3 year old)! I try my best not to run away screaming when he appears; I just try to stay for a respectable few minutes and then get outta there!!

BikerPuppy said...

GB, I know exactly what you're going through. I have a coworker, unfortunately in my work group, who constantly talks with food in her mouth. Not like most people do, where they push the food to the back of their cheek to talk, but where food is literally falling out and hitting the plate. Or hitting us if she aspirates a consonant. Because she's in my group, every time we have a group lunch, we have to see her eat. Great for my diet, let me tell you! Gaaaah!

BikerPuppy said...

WeMo, friends of the court should be shot. Or at least relocated to a maximum security facility for the protection of teen actresses. Yikes! Robot might not be a lost cause -- maybe he's understood....

BikerPuppy said...


Stop rubbing it in about being self-employed. Jammies all day, naps whenever you want....

BTW, kiss-ups are everywhere. Some are even friends of the court.

Amazon Barbie said...

OMG I could go on for DAYS with this one..lol..You and WeMo are cool but there are some where I'm this close to throwing things at. One asst in particular makes me insane because she asks me stupid questions all the time. Hello, you've been here a few months now, figure it out! I call her the Blamer..because she never sucks it up for her own failure, always blames everyone else. Even the attorney she used to assist!!